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I'm going to do my best to walk you though increasing the download speed by about 50% (took me from .98mbps to 1.44 - my isp gives me 10)
First lets get a stipulation out of the way. Resetting the downloader does not make it go faster - try as you will you will consistently end up back at your original speed in a matter of minutes once the downloader catches back up to where you left off.
So -- to increase the speed.
Open the downloader, signing in does not matter at this point either way.
crtl + alt + del to open task manager Locate the black desert online downloader Right click > go to details (or just find it in the details tab of the task manager) Right click the BDO installer here and click 'set priority' Set priority to 'real time' YOU WILL GET A WARNING This warning is in place for changing the priority of the windows functions. certain features may be slow to respond, though very rarely and I have never encountered an issue with this.
Do the same for the affinity.
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Search to your system setting (just type system in cortana) Open system in the control panel On the far left at the bottom of the list in blue, select Advance System Settings Click 'Environmental Variable' Locate 'PROCESSOR_LEVEL' Select it and click edit
Heres where we have to do some quazi mathing yo
Depending on the number beside the processor level (mine is 16, but I also did this regularly with an 4) will determine the safe max you can set it to when you edit.
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With mine at 16, I set it to 100. When I had 4, I set it to 75. **If you're around 30 to 40 as your standard, you can probably get away with 125 to 150 - but please research this as I am unsure and do not want to make you break your rig
What youre doing here is over clocking your processor. but with in these limits it's 100% safe and managed by windows. You can set it to as high as 1000 - but please don't. You'll freak your comp out and have to reboot.
apply it, wrap it all up, close out of extra windows
And voila! all done! you should be cruising around 50% faster :)
-Side note. The processor level will effect your entire computer. You will browse faster, windows will open more quickly etc. This number will reset every time you restart your computer.