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- Changing Region Making Patch Download Slow Lola
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115 mins left on me. Pausing and resuming does the trick usually. I’ll be on at around 10pm CST. So for the meantime I kinda have nothing else to do but study. This Tutorial is made to help gamers to fix thier League of Legends updates problems. I've tried this guide and it did works for me from 0% to 100%. Download link: Safe file scaned before (Updated.
Hi everyone,
First of all, I'd like to describe my situation and how I managed to solve it. I should warn you that this is NOT a 100% certain fix but it DID work for me after trying everything else I found on the Internet with no result.
Okay, let's start with my computer specs.
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor 3.10 GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 5670
I always had 60 FPS smooth while playing League of Legends on the highest settings, but for some reason after one patch some months back (can't remember which one unfortunately) that changed. Since then, I've had low FPS both on high and on low settings. Being hooked to the game, and spending lots of hours playing it, this became really frustrating really fast. I looked it up online but nohing seemed to work. So I decided to send a ticket to Riot at some point even though I had the feeling they wouldn't even care. I went on and did it anyway.
After talking with a specific Rioter for weeks and trying everything I could to solve the problem (cleaning my computer, using CC clean, reinstalling, repairing, erasing files from my hard disk etc), he told me this:
(if it's unavailable change the language to English)
DO NOT use the install guide. Just uninstall everything it shows.
Once you've done all that, extract the attached file onto your C: drive, then run 'lol.launcher.exe'.
The way I see it, when people install LoL the normal way (downloading it from the official site), the game itself downloads and installs a program called 'Pando Media Booster'. The folder this Rioter sent me was called 'Pandoless'. After installing the game, there was no such program on my HDD. And the game worked perfectly smoothly at very high settings with anti-aliasing and HUD animations on.
I take no responsibility for whatever damage this may cause to your system. This was only a solution to MY problem and I was helped by a professional who works for the company that made this game. I can't see how it can cause problems but, just sayin.
ATTACHED FILE: http://www.filedropper.com/pandoless
PS: this is my first reddit post, sorry if I'm not clear about anything. Don't be shy to ask any questions as to what exactly I did to make this work.
Hope this works for you too! Cheers! :D
EDIT 1: Proof that Riot helped me on this: http://imgur.com/aZZw7Rf
EDIT 2: Whether you have this issue or not, try using the 'Borderless' video setting in-game, instead of Fullscreen. You should see your FPS rising and Alt+Tab will work way faster.
Wow Patch Download Slow
For months now, I've been seeing people post on /r/leagueoflegends asking how to change their client to Japanese. With patch 6.2, the locations of files in folders has changed slightly, so I thought I'd update the usual procedure.
Step 1: Close your League Client
Step 2: Go to the following location on your PC
Disk drive (normally the C:// drive) -> Riot Games folder -> League of Legends -> RADS -> projects -> lol_patcher -> managedfiles ->
In this folder you will find a .txt file called 'regions'. Open this file, and you will see a bunch of regions followed by short codes for languages (e.g. en_GB, en_US, de_DE, etc.).
Find your region in the left hand column - it is named after the servers (LA1 and LA2 refer to LAN and LAS respectively), and the furthest right columb is a list of languages. Go to your region's row, and click just left of the comma and paste the following in that space:
Changing Region Making Patch Download Slow Lola
It's vital you ensure the comma is still there, as this affects how the client reads the file.
Step 3: Save the file
Don't change the name or location of the file, just save the new file as is!
Step 4: Load up the League client
On the top right of the League client, you will be able to click on the arrow under your region. This will bring up a server and language drop down. Click on the language drop down and select 日本語. Congratulations, you're done!
Warning: Doing this will cause you to have to re-download patch 6.2 when you reload the client
Enjoy guys! :D