With this patch, players are no longer required to have the original Diablo II or expansion Diablo II Lord of Destruction CD in the CD-rom drive to play the game. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the updated patch.txt file in your Diablo II. This program allows you to edit your Diablo 2 saved game character (*.d2s) files (from OPEN games), which are stored in the save directory of your Diablo 2 Install directory. Then download the Gateway Selector from our FTP to manually select which gateway you will connect to when you log onto battle.net. Diablo 2 v1.13d Patch (PC.
This error can be multiple different things. The best way to solve it is to try each fix one by one until it works. In most cases I recommend trying fix #1 first. However if this error happens specifically when you click 'Play Online' then skip ahead to Fix#4.
Fix #1: How to install Glide 3dfx
Fix #2: Run D2VidTst.exe from your Path of Diablo folder found inside your Diablo2 installation (usually under C:Program Files(x86)Diablo II). Also at the end of the vidtest, select Glide3dx if you've done Fix 1.
Fix #3: Diablo II struggles with fullscreen. Sometimes a simple solution is just to force windowed mode. You can do that either via our launcher and checking off '-w' for windowed mode.
Fix #4: Click Start menu (windows button), right click Computer, click Properties, Advanced settings, Performance settings, Data execution, add Diablo II.exe and game.exe to the list. Make sure it is the exes are from Path of Diablo folder and not from Diablo II folder. You can add those from D2 folder as well if it didnt fix your issue. Depending on which version of Windows you have, your DEP menu might be somewhere else so google 'DEP' for your windows version.
Fix #5: If the Fix4 DEP did not work for you, you can try going back into the DEP menu (see Fix4) and selecting to run DEP only for Windows apps and services. This is the same as fix#4 but if you are struggling to select the right exes, this will work too. CAUTION: this option makes your computer more vulnerable to malicious programs because it turns DEP off for all non-windows apps, not just POD. If this fix works for you, then that means that fix4 also works for you but that you may be grabbing the wrong exes. We urge you to try fix4 again before finally settling with fix5.
Fix #1: Wait 10 minutes before joining a new game.
Fix #2: Create a new account (or login to an alternate account) and make a new character and join any game. Then go back to your main account and character, everything should work.
Fix #1: Install Glide3dfx
Fix #2: With Glide3dfx installed, run glide-init.exe located in your Path of Diablo folder and then increase Texture Memory to 80mb and buffer-texture-size to 4096x4096.
Completely log out of your account and then try again.
Reboot your D2 and it will work.
Server might actually be down
Server may be offline. Check website/discord/reddit for updates.
You may have an IP ban.
Right click icon; run as administrator
Right click icon; properties; check Compatibilty XP(SP2/SP3)
Alternatively, we recommend you use the Path of Diablo Launcher and 'Run D2 as Admin'
You are not using an English game. An English installation of Diablo II LoD is required. (Scroll below to learn how to change to english)
Go to your Diablo II installation folder and then go inside 'Path of Diablo' folder.
Right click the Game.exe and/or Diablo II.exe and go to Properties
Click the Compatibility tab and check the box to run compatibility mode.
Make sure to run it in 'Windows XP Service Pack 2' and to run as admin.
Diablo 2 Patch Download Then Exits Game 4
Diablo 2 Patch Download Then Exits Game Download
Uninstall PoD then uninstall Diablo II. Go to https://battle.net to redownload the game. But this time make sure to select English on the website: https://i.imgur.com/2zRP1Z7.gifv