Lamento Beyond The Void English Patch Download

Beyond the void. Beyond the void is an upcoming real-time strategy game. 2014-10-31, 18+, Lamento -Beyond the Void- (patch), Freeware Internet download. 2015-08-19, 18+, Lamento -Beyond the Void- (patch), Freeware Internet download Translation restarted by members of Aarinfantasy. You need an account to be able to view. Lamento beyond the void english patch full mediafire 5000 results found, page 1 from 500 for ' lamento beyond the void english patch full ' Lamento ~ Beyond the Void ~ English Patch v0 1 1 (3.58 MB).

  1. Lamento Beyond The Void English Patch Download Free
  2. Lamento Beyond The Void Wikipedia
  3. Lamento Beyond The Void Game
I certainly hope I am posting this on the right section of the forums. D:
So... my story so far is:
I wanted to play the game, Lamento; Beyond the Void. I found the download page in the forums:
1) Since 'part 18' of the MediaFire link didn't work for me, I downloaded all of the 8 from megaupload instead.
2) After downloading, I extracted all of the 8 into my desktop.Void
4) Then I got my Daemon Tools and mounted the Lamento_DVD.iso file.

Lamento Beyond The Void English Patch Download Free

5) The installation processed through just like how it said it would on the first post of the download page:
•Installation screen popped up.
•Clicked through the Installation screen until it told me to input the Serial Number. Which I did.
•The Installation processed through like a breeze. I had a desktop shortcut and all too.


Lamento Beyond The Void Wikipedia

That's where the problem started. The explanation on the download page told me to, 'Once you finish the installation, apply both executables (LmtDVDVer101.EXE and LmtDVDVer102.EXE - I believe these fix some issues with the game) and unmount LAMENTO_DVD.iso, then mount the boot.iso file in its place.'

Lamento Beyond The Void Game

Lamento beyond the void downloadI double clicked(I am a complete newbie at this, I'm sorry if I'm getting many things wrong and driving some of you to frustration. DX) the two EXE's but they only gave me untranslated, gibberish-language errors. So I skipped over that and unmounted the LAMENTO_DVD.iso then mounted the boot.iso in it's place. . . and well, nothing happened.
/EDIT: I got the two EXE's to open up correctly, and got it patched into the right folder, but Lamento still doesn't work. :<
I tried double clicking the shortcut made on the desktop but it produced the Microsft Windows Error(see the paragraph below). So I unmounted the boot.iso and replaced it by re-mounting the LAMENTO_DVD.iso again. Then voila, the game start up window popped up and there was an option to start the game.
However to my disappointment, as soon as I clicked on it, Microsoft Windows error popped up yet again. It stated, 'Lamento - BEYOND THE VOID - has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.'
And the only option is to 'Close Program'. :'[
Here is a screen shot of how it looks like when I entered from the Computers:
When I double click on the icon:
Finally, when I press the 'Game Start' button:
Thank you so much in advance to those who read through this, and many more thanks to those who spare their time to reply! I hope I can get this to work. >_<;; I tried reading over every of the Technical Difficulties Thread with Lamento, but I could not find the solution by myself, and this is my last resort.
I am looking very forward to playing the game~;;