Rocksmith 2014 Launcher for playing without RealTone cable (nocable fix) - Maxx53/NoCableLauncher. Maxx53 / NoCableLauncher. Pull requests 0. Projects 0 Insights Dismiss. Clone or download Clone with HTTPS Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Aug 05, 2016 Rocksmith 2014 Edition Remastered is a free patch for all platforms and an updated re-release of Rocksmith 2014 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Macintosh. Remastered is the same core experience that has helped so many people learn to play guitar, now with additional improvements and redesigned features.
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Detailed Instructions (i had to do some digging to get rid of distortion):
0. I'm assuming you have the game downloaded and properly cracked, now only looking for a no-cable fix. If so, follow these steps:
1. Download this crack
2. unpack it into your Rocksmith directory
3. Plug your guitar into line-in, set it to 16bit 48kHz, disable all mics.
4. Open rocksmith.ini
5. Change the value Win32UltraLowLatencyMode= from '1' to '0'
6. Open the game using the no-cable fix .exe ( you have to do it everytime, helps to use this as a shortcut rather than the original cracked file
7. enjoy the game.
Following these steps allows you to play without the original RT cable, and gets rid of most of the distortion ( don't get me wrong sound is still a bit distorted, it's still an unperfect solution, compared to the 1st games' no-cable fix), but it let's you bypass the tuner and allows you to play and enjoy the game.
In short - you won't get the sound you'd like, but you can still hear what you play and enjoy.
Hope this helps.
I tend not to take Rocksmith [official site] seriously because I confuse it with Songsmith, Microsoft’s software that magically created hilarious backing tracks for any vocals you fed it. No, Rocksmith isn’t the software that gave us country & western Ace of Spades or Intergalactic muzak, it’s the rhythm game from Ubisoft which – gasp! – tricks you into learning how to play an actual real guitar. Now Ubi have announced Rocksmith 2014 Edition – Remastered, updating it with a boshload of new tools and features. Fear not: all that will come in a free update for 2014 Edition too.
As Ubisoft explain, 2014 Remastered will bring custom Song Lists, options to tweak the learning curve, stat tracking for loads of numbers and things improved menus with a new search, and other newness. They do say far more, obviously, so do follow that link for all the deets.
You can also see a bit in this archived dev livestream which I won’t embed because Twitch’s video player is hell.
The Remastered update is due on October 4th. If you want to jump onto Rocksmith fresh at that point, 2014 Remastered will be the new base edition and include an extra six songs that’ll otherwise be sold as DLC.
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I’ve seen a few of y’all ↓ down there mention Rocksmith around the place before – how does this update look to you? And can you yet play anything that sounds as good as a Songsmith creation?